Your partner opens 1NT, and your RHO passes. You are looking at:
A Q 5
K J 8 7 5 3 2
T 8
Do you just see 10 HCP, or do you see potential for a slam if partner's hand fits well with yours? Signing off at
On the other hand, even if your partner has the necessary key cards, will you feel confident about the slam, or will you feel like you are gambling? Especially if one key card is missing, success is going to depend on your partner having working kings, not wasted values opposite your singleton.
The traditional use of the splinter bid is to show a game-forcing raise of partner's major, in a sequence like
Dealer East Both vul |
T 7 4 3 Q T 6 6 3 A 9 6 2 | |
A Q 5 K J 8 7 5 3 2 T 8 7 |
8 2 A 4 A K 9 7 K Q T 5 3 | |
K J 9 6 9 Q J 5 4 2 J 8 4 |
This was Board 26 of the Saturday afternoon session at the Boise Sweetheart Sectional, 08 February 2014. If you splinter, your partner will be disappointed to have the
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