This hand from the Tuesday evening game this week (18 March) ought to have been a boring flat deal - but somehow, EVERY pair who bid this hand managed to get to a contract they couldn't make. There was one potential pitfall each for East and West.
Dealer East None vul |
A 7 4 3 2 Q 8 7 5 3 A Q J | |
T 6 5 2 T 6 A K T 4 2 T 6 |
K Q 8 A Q J J 6 K 9 8 5 2 | |
J 9 4 3 K 9 8 7 5 9 7 4 3 |
East, with a balanced 16HCP hand, should open 1NT. Anything else is inviting trouble. Yes, you have a 5-card suit, and no, you don't have a diamond stopper -- but worse trouble awaits if you open
If East correctly opens 1NT, West should have no trouble passing. Doing anything else will get you in over your head. If you use Stayman and rebid 2NT when partner doesn't have a spade fit, opener will assume you have the 9 points your bidding promised, and accept the invitation to 3NT.
On Tuesday night, two tables reached 3NT and went down. Two other tables reached spade contracts and went down. At my table, my opponents bid