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Bridge Books - Bidding

[Cover Photo] The Lebensohl Convention Complete
Ron Andersen
Thorough coverage of all three common uses of Lebensohl: after a 1NT opening, after opponents' weak two-bids, and after partner's reverse. Many example hands shown. Have your partner read this book and never have another expensive Lebensohl misunderstanding! One of the very few books on a specific convention to ever make it onto my "Recommended" list.
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[Cover Photo] Shark's Pointers
Mark Aquino
Reprinted articles from Northeastern expert Mark Aquino on how to get the most of your game and your partnership.
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[Cover Photo] Almost the Only Bridge Book You'll Ever Need (volume 1)
Randy Baron
A collection of short 2- or 3-page tips from a dozen different experts. Review everything from the Rule of 15 for 4th-seat opening to advice on ethics and the care and feeding of partners.
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[Cover Photo] Almost the Only Bridge Book You'll Ever Need (volume 2)
Randy Baron
A second collection of essays on all aspects of the game. These are a little bit more in-depth than the first book, 5 to 10 pages on how to choose the right bidding conventions and lead agreements for a partnership and how to play the play and defense.
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[Cover Photo] Enhanced Precision
Ron Beall
New 4th edition incorporating all the latest high-powered gadgetry for a strong club system.
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Better Bidding with Bergen
Marty Bergen
The ins and out of Bergen Raises right from the horse's mouth, plus much more, from rebids after 1NT Forcing to advanced slam-finding techniques.
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[Cover Photo] A Simpler Blue Team Club: Mississauga style
Dan Berkley
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[Cover Photo] Three Notrump in Depth
Augie Boehm
The Professor and Sally Fourth tackle "everyone's favorite contract," 3NT. The first half of the book is about bidding judgment -- whether to bid 3NT or four of a major, how to ask for stoppers and half-stoppers, when you can bid 3NT with a long running suit and less than 26HCP. The second half tackles planning the play.
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[Cover Photo] Demon Defense and Demon Doubling
Augie Boehm
Watch over the shoulder as the Professor's timid student Sally Fourth learns to become an agressive defender who can't be pushed around by her opponents. In the same conversational style as Augie's monthly columns in the Bridge Bulletin.
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[Cover Photo] IMPs vs Matchpoints: Different Games, Different Strategies
Augie Boehm
The Professor and Sally tackle the differences between pairs and teams.
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[Cover Photo] Getting to Good Slams: 30 Key Ideas
Terry Bossomaier
A collection of 100 slam-zone hands from real play, and a discussion of what slam conventions come up often and what ones don't. Even if you disagree with his conclusions, his "key ideas" are good food for thought for building your bidding agreements in a serious partnership.
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[Cover Photo] Following the Law
Larry Cohen
The sequel to "To Bid or Not to Bid." In this volume, we see more examples of the Law in action, more discussion of how to refine your bidding judgment with adjustments to the basic Law, and coverage of several space-age conventions that make it easier for you to make use of the Law in your competitive auctions.
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[Cover Photo] To Bid or Not to Bid: the Law of Total Tricks
Larry Cohen
Perhaps the single most influential bridge book of the 1990s!
The "Law of Total Tricks" is based on the simple fact that an extra small card in a long suit is worth an extra trick if your suit is trump and nothing if it is not. The more trumps you have the higher you can afford to bid, even on hands without much high-card strength.
In this book, Cohen covers the most common situations in competitive auctions and gives good rules of thumb for whether to bid on or defend. Your bidding judgment will improve overnight when you start following the Law!
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[Cover Photo] Optimal Hand Evaluation
Patrick Darricades
Everything you ever wanted to know, and more, about the various competing point-count methods, from Goren to Cowen to Zar and everyone in between.

A few hands from actual play are included as illustrations, but primarily aimed at theorists and simulators, not at casual players.

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Allan DeSerpa
Allan De Serpa has a new idea for how to ask for "keycards and queecards" (the 4 aces, and the 2 kings and 2 queens of the bid suits) after an auction like 1NT-2H(transfer)-2S-3H, and fit it all in below game. There is a similarity to Ken Rexford's Variable Keycard Blackwood, in that the responses are tuned to match the strength that partner has shown (2-4 keycards after a 1NT opening, for instance.)
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[Cover Photo] Mastering Hand Evaluation
Lawrence Diamond
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[Cover Photo] Pocket Guide to SAYC
Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer
A spiral-bound condensed summary of all the key points from Standard Bidding with SAYC, the full-length book by the same two authors.
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[Cover Photo] Standard Bidding with SAYC
Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer
Every checkbox and convention on the Standard American Yellow Card explained by two of the Internet's leading bridge teachers. The most comprehensive guide to standard bidding since Bill Root's Commonsense Bidding.
Do you really know what you are agreeing to when you sit down with a stranger and ask "SAYC, pd?" After you read this book you will!
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[Cover Photo] Winners, Losers, and Cover Cards
Ken Eichenbaum
Starts with sound advice on hand evaluation, then proceeds to apply it to many common auctions, including a thorough look at the author's favorite version of 2-way checkback, and good coverage of slam methods including the Serious 3NT bid.
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[Cover Photo] 2/1 Game Force
Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell
A basic intorduction to the 2/1 bidding system, in the same readable style as the Audrey Grant beginning bridge textbooks. An easy introduction to a simplified 2/1 system.
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[Cover Photo] More Commonly Used Conventions
Audrey Grant
Textbook for new duplicate players wishing to learn more of the common conventions used in tournament play. Teachers, inquire about bulk discounts.
Earlier edition published as "the Notrump series."
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[Cover Photo] The MOSSO Bidding System
Richard Granville and David Burn
For experts only! A cutting-edge experimental system, with a different spin on the Polish Club (forcing but not strong 1C opening) principle, inspired in part by Fantunes.
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[Cover Photo] Advanced Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century
Max Hardy
All the bells and whistles of modern 2/1 as played and taught by Max right up to the time of his death in 2002. This was his last book. Additional bidding tools to complement the material in "Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century."
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[Cover Photo] Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century
Max Hardy
Max Hardy believed that modern 2/1 was "the new Standard American" and was what all bridge players in the 21st century should learn. He may have overestimated the popularity of 2/1 a little bit, but he wrote a terrific introduction to the principles of 2/1 that anyone planning to play tournament bridge today shouldn't be without.
This book concentrates on the bread-and-butter sequences of 2/1: establishing a game force, setting trumps at a low level to save room for slam exploration, making full use of tools like the splinter bid to evaluate how well your hands fit together.
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[Cover Photo] Misbid These Hands With Me
Mark Horton
Another sequel to Mark's Misplay These Hands With Me and Misdefend These Hands With Me, showcasing places where even the experts suffered lapses in judgment. Can you do better?
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[Cover Photo] The Mysterious Multi: How to Play It, How to Play Against It
Mark Horton and Jan van Cleef
Complete coverage of all the most common variations of the Multicolored 2D opening. In the same style as Andy Stark's volume on playing the weak notrump.
Also discussed in detail are the two-suited 2H and 2S openings popular in Europe among Multi players ("Muiderberg"), and the ACBL-published defenses to the Multi.
Don't be afraid of conventions, learn to cope with them, and even embrace them and play them yourself!
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[Cover Photo] Building a Bidding System
Roy Hughes
The theory behind why some conventions are good and others are bad: why lower bids should show a broader range of hands that higher bids - and how much broader that should be; how to construct a relay system; and other advice for the serious tinkerer with systems.
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[Cover Photo] The Contested Auction
Roy Hughes
Roy Hughes talks about what makes a good and a bad bidding convention, and offers suggestions how best to handle some common competitive sequences.
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[Cover Photo] Symmetric Relay
Nick Hughes
A detailed guide to the Symmetric Relay bidding system, a comprehensive method for revealing one partner's exact distribution to the other with a minimum of memorization effort. The system has developed in New Zealand and Australia and is rarely seen in the USA — but perhaps this will change given the recent liberalization of bidding system restrictions by the ACBL.
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[Cover Photo] Fantunes Revealed
Bill Jacobs
A compilation of the world-championship-winning methods of Fantoni and Nunes, created by observing thousands of their deals played on Vugraph. A fascinating system for gadget fans even you don't plan to play it yourself. (Fantoni-Nunes were caught cheating soon after this book came out: it's an open question how good their system is when played honestly.)
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club International
Krzsysztof Jassem
A readable introduction to the world's most popular and successful forcing-but-not-strong club system, as described by a 2010 poll of Polish experts: the Polish equivalent of "Bridge World Standard."
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club 2020: Expert
Krzsysztof Jassem
A look at the more complicated features of Polish Club, the strong-but-not-forcing club system popular in eastern Europe.
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club 2020: Standard
Krzsysztof Jassem
A readable introduction to Polish Club, the strong-but-not-forcing club system popular in eastern Europe. If you want a system more precise and more aggressive than Standard American, but not as vulnerable to interference as Precision, Polish is the system for you!
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[Cover Photo] Roman Keycard Blackwood: The Final Word
Eddie Kantar
The fifth and (he says) final edition of Eddie Kantar's famous book on Roman Keycard Blackwood.
Go beyond "5 clubs shows 0 or 3." This book covers every facet of RKC: how do you ask for the queen of trumps after a 5C or 5D response? Should you show the number of kings or specific kings? 0314 or 1430? When, if ever, does RKC not apply? What suit is trump in ambiguous auctions?
Excellent resource for serious partnerships wanting to milk the most out of their ace-asking.
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[Cover Photo] Improve Your Bidding Judgment
Neil Kimelman
A series of cogent essays, each focusing on one particular situation and helping you understand how to think about the problem at hand rather than mechanically following a bidding rule.
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The Right Bid at the Right Time
Neil Kimelman
Third in Neil Kimelman's trilogy of bidding-judgment books, published March 2016. The three volumes are roughly in order of complexity: this one emphasizes tough competitive decisions.
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[Cover Photo] The Thin Fine Line
Neil Kimelman
A close look at close bidding decisions and how to choose which call is better. Even better than Neil's first, more general, book of bidding advice.
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[Cover Photo] The Notrump Zone
Danny Kleinman
When should you exercise your judgment to open 1NT on a semibalanced hand? Are some point ranges better than others? It's all in here. Which conventions beyond Stayman and Jacoby Transfers should you use? He gives three separate answers to this one, depending on whether you and your partner want a simple but functional system or the "most detailed system money can buy."
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[Cover Photo] Cue Bidding to Slams
Ron Klinger
A whole book specifically about control-showing bids -- a vastly more powerful slam exploration technique than Blackwood, but one overlooked by many new bridge players. Emphasizes the traditional ("aces first") style, touches briefly on Italian and Sweep cuebids. For the Italian style (either aces or kings first), see Ken Rexford's Cuebidding: a Modern Approach.
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How Good is Your Bridge Hand?
Ron Klinger
A great overview of several different hand evaluation methods, and of the conventions that are used to help apply them (two-way game tries, splinters.) Written from the 4-card major and weak notrump perspective.
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[Cover Photo] The Modern Losing Trick Count
Ron Klinger
If you are ready to look beyond the high-card point and refine your bidding judgment, this is the book for you. One of the great books on hand evaluation.
The Losing Trick Count is a simple yet surprisingly accurate hand evaluation method, known in the 1930s but temporarily forgotten in the enthusiasm for point count bidding in the 40s and 50s. It has several advantages over HCP: it accounts naturally for the importance of having fitting rather than scattered honors; and because it forces you to think about counting tricks rather than points, it makes adjustments to the raw count simple -- instead of memorizing rules like subtracting a point for an unguarded face card, you simply count a card that the bidding tells you is unlikely to win a trick as a loser and vice versa!
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[Cover Photo] The Power of Pass
Ron Klinger and Harold Schogger
Bridge is a bidder's game, and the trend in recent years is all in favor of lighter openings, lighter responses, and wilder preempts. Here is a counterpoint to that trend: learn when it is right to pass — stay low when your side has a misfit, don't balance when it isn't safe to do so, and much more.
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[Cover Photo] The Power of Shape
Ron Klinger
Understand how your distribution impacts the value of your face cards. General theory, advice on when it is right to over- or under-bid, and chapters on how to handle modern bidding tools like the splinter bid. Recently reprinted,and marked down from the $22.95 cover price!
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[Cover Photo] Understanding the Contested Auction
Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites
Sixteen chapters, covering everything from the negative double to two-suited overcalls to special matchpoint pairs competitive decisions.
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[Cover Photo] Understanding Slam Bidding
Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites
A step-by-step approach to visualizing the possibility of a slam and then exploring for it. It all begins with hand evaluation and trick counting! Coverage of both cuebidding and Blackwood asks, as well as essential conventions like splinter bids.
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[Cover Photo] When to Bid, When to Pass
Ron Klinger
Refine your bidding judgment by seeing how the value of a hand changes depending on which suits the high-card strength are in and how the previous auction has gone. He starts out with a few rules of thumb and then considers a dozen different common types of auctions.
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[Cover Photo] Good, Better, Best: a comparison of bridge bidding systems and conventions by computer simulation
Jan Eric Larsson
Jan has been using computer to help analyze bidding systems since I first corresponded with him on the old rec.games.bridge newsgroup in 1995. He brings his skills to bear on a variety of age-old questions about which bidding treatments are better.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Balancing in Contract Bridge
Mike Lawrence
IN some auctions it is safe to balance with a 4-card suit and a weak hand; in others you should have six or a fairly strong hand! This book helps you know how agressive to be in various balancing situations.
Separate chapters for reopening the bidding when an opening bid is passed around, when the opponents find a sit but stop low, when they bid notrump, and when they are in a misfit auction.
Newly reprinted edition of a classic book on competitive bidding.
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[Cover Photo] Judgment at Bridge, 2nd edition
Mike Lawrence
Long-awaited sequel to Mike Lawrence's classic book on bidding judgment. Not just a revision, but coverage of new topics: should I preempt or not? Should I give a simple raise or limit raise? should I double or overcall with 5431 pattern? and much more.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Overcalls in Contract Bridge
Mike Lawrence
New revised and expanded version of Lawrence's classic comprehensive overcalls book.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Guide to Passed Hand Bidding
Mike Lawrence
Ever wondered just how crazy of openings you can get away with in third seat? Or how your partner should respond after he sees how crazy yours are? This book contains Mike Lawrence's expert opinion on the subject.
The expanded 2nd edition adds more coverage of responses to 3rd seat openings -- fit-jumps and other alternatives, in addition to proposed Drury enhancements.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Takeout Doubles
Mike Lawrence
Learn to avoid common misconceptions about doubles; decide which reopening doubles are takeout and which aren't; learn how to choose your response to partner's takeout double. Newly revised 2nd edition — it doesn't have the Chinese takeout carton on the cover anymore :)
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[Cover Photo] Tips on Competitive Bidding
Mike Lawrence
In the same format as his previous Available now and ready to ship

[Cover Photo] Workbook on the 2/1 System
Mike Lawrence
Recently reprinted classic textbook for learning 2/1, comparing and contrasting Lawrence's style with Max Hardy's style. Many example hands for partnerships to make sure they agree how to bid.
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The Language of Bidding: Two Over One Game Force
Paul Marston
Australian expert Paul Marston's textbook on the 2/1 system. Especially aimed at players coming from a standard or Acol background without prior 2/1 experience. Familiar material, but a new voice for most American readers.
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Martens Bridge University series
Krzysztof Martens
Any or all of the 15 volumes of the Martens Bridge University series are available by special order. Inquire by email if interested.
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[Cover Photo] Competitive Bidding in the 21st Century
Marshall Miles
Miles's unique take on when to use modern conventional methods, as well as some old-fashioned bidding judgment. After a 1D opening on your right, would you overcall 1S on KQJx xx xx Axxxx? Marshall Miles might!
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[Cover Photo] Its Your Call
Marshall Miles
A compendium of Miles's favorite bidding problems, drawn from the bidding panel of ACBL District 23.
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[Cover Photo] Modern Constructive Bidding
Marshall Miles
An expert gives his opinion on which modern conventions are useful and which aren't. All the popular conventions and system choices are covered: 2/1 Game forcing or not? 1NT forcing or semi-forcing? Fourth suit forcing one round or to game? You may not agree with all of Miles's opinions but he will provide you with food for thought to help you make your own system decisions. One of the very few sources in print to cover some modern conventions like XYZ and Bart.
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[Cover Photo] My System: The Unbalanced Diamond
Marshall Miles
Marshall Miles describes his own preferred bidding system, featuring a 1D opening that promises a minimum opening and an unbalanced hand without a 5-card major, natural 1H and 1S openings limited to 15 HCP, a weak 1NT opener, and an artificial 1C opening covering 15-20 point hands, with a Standard-American-like 2C opening. Halfway between Standard and a club system, like nothing else you've played against, but all General Convention Chart-legal and playable in ACBL tournaments.
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[Cover Photo] Kickback
Robert Munger
A simple readable introduction to "Kickback," a replacement for Blackwood that uses 4S instead of 4NT to ace for key cards when hearts are trump.
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[Cover Photo] Standard Modern Precision
Daniel Neill
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[Cover Photo] Multi-Landy: The Killer Defense vs. 1NT
David Oakley
Detailed coverage of the newest trend in overcalling your opponent's 1NT opening, taking over the ACBL by storm after it became a General Convention Chart method in 2015.

Particularly important is the discussion of why it's OK to use an artificial double against a weak notrump — waiting for a penalty double is just too rare! Show your shape any time you have sound overcall values, and let your partner pass for penalties with a misfitting decent hand.

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[Cover Photo] Transfer Responds to One Club with Relays
Lyle Poe
One of the hottest trends in US expert bidding is playing transfer responses to a semi-standard 1C opening, usually shifting most balanced hands into 1C so that a 1D opening promises an unbalanced hand. This treatment became legal in most sectional and regional tournaments in 2018 - read about and decide if you want to give it a try!
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[Cover Photo] Modified Italian Canape System
Ken Rexford
The first new book written in many years about the mysterious "canape" system: with a 4- or 6-card major, open the major; but with a 5-card suit, open your side 4-card suit first and rebid your 5-card suit. Extensive discussion of the theory behind Rexford's preferred treatment. Guaranteed to introduce you to bidding ideas you've never considered before.
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[Cover Photo] Cuebidding at Bridge: a Modern Approach
Ken Rexford
The most detailed coverage of modern "Italian style" cuebidding in print. Rexford has some innovative ideas about using the space between 2 and 3 of your major for cuebidding after an auction like 1H-2C-2D-2H if you use the 2/1GF system.
If you prefer the traditional "aces first" style of cuebids, I recommend Ron Klinger's Cuebidding to Slams.
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[Cover Photo] Variable Keycard Blackwood
Ken Rexford
A long overdue improvement to Roman Keycard Blackwood: if you take advantage of knowing how strong responder is, you can use a much more precise set of keycard responses -- "Weak KCB" after you preempt or give a simple raise, "Strong KCB" after you reverse or open 2C.
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Eric Rodwell's Bidding Topics
Eric Rodwell
Eric Rodwell writes about ten of his favorite bidding conventions, including two of his own inventions, Support Doubles and Serious 3NT (an essential supplement to italian style cuebidding.)
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[Cover Photo] Eric Rodwell's Bidding Topics, Book Two
Eric Rodwell
Eric Rodwell writes nine more chapters about common bidding situations in Volume 2 of this popular series on how the experts bid to win. Unlike Volume 1, these aren't all conventions, but get into issues like judging whether a hand is good enough for a reverse.
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[Cover Photo] Commonsense Bidding
Bill Root
The single best book on the market today about good old-fashioned Standard American bidding. Literally every common bidding situation (and a lot of uncommon ones!) that doesn't involve any conventions fancier than Stayman and Blackwood is in here. This book is my first recommendation to new bridge players after they finish their first course of lessons. A solid grounding in natural bidding principles is essential to know what conventions are worth learning and when to use them.
Also ideal for the serious rubber bridge player who needs to be able to bid effectively with unfamiliar partners without time for a long discussion about partnership methods.
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[Cover Photo] Modern Bridge Conventions
Bill Root and Richard Pavlicek
More than "just" a description of how the 50 or so most popular bidding conventions work. It also goes into great detail about how the second and third rounds of bidding unfold after each convention is used; how different conventions interact with each other; and how to cope with the loss of the natural bid you had to give up to adopt the convention.
Every convention in the book is rated as a "one-, two-," or "three-star convention" according to how complex it is, making it easier for new players to decide which conventions are worth their effort to learn. An appendix shows how to mark each convention on the ACBL convention card.
There are several newer conventions books on the market today, but this one had stood the test of time. Exceptionally well-written and thorough, it is still my top pick in this category.
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[Cover Photo] 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram and Marc Smith
Twenty-five chapters, one on each of the most commonly used conventions in tournament bridge today.
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25 Bridge Conventions: Practice Makes Perfect
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A quizbook to help students of the game solidify the material in 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know.
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[Cover Photo] 25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A chapter on each of 25 conventions used by the pros, making them accessible to serious club players eager to improve their games.
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[Cover Photo] 25 Ways to Compete in the Bidding
Barbara Seagram and Marc Smith
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[Cover Photo] Bidding at Bridge: a Quizbook
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A collection of bidding problems to reinforce the principles of standard bidding and help a new bridge player develop his judgment.
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[Cover Photo] Four-Suit Transfers
Barbara Seagram and Andy Stark
Practice Your Bidding series.
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[Cover Photo] Jacoby 2NT
Barbara Seagram and Linda Lee
A concise introduction to how the widely played Jacoby 2NT convention - a forcing raise of opener's 1H or 1S opening - works. Practice Your Bidding series.
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[Cover Photo] Jacoby Transfers
Barbara Seagram and Andy Stark
Practice Your Bidding series.
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The Pocket Guide to Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram and Marc Smith
Spiral-bound Reader's Digest summary of "25 Conventions You Should Know." For learnin the conventions I recommend the larger book. The pocket guide is a nice quick reference to take with you when you travel to a tournament to refresh your memory or make sure your partner plays it the same way you do.
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[Cover Photo] Roman Keycard Blackwood
Barbara Seagram and Linda Lee
A simple, straightforward introduction to the basics of RKC. Practice Your Bidding series.
For experienced partnerships wanting to explore all the nuances of the second and third rounds of bidding after 4NT, see Eddie Kantar's Roman Keycard Blackwood.
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[Cover Photo] Splinter Bids
Barbara Seagram and Linda Lee
An introduction to how splinter bids work, when to use them and when not to use them. Particularly insightful is the advice on how to handle hands with a singleton honour.
Many examples and practice hands, as with all of the books in the Seagram and Lee "Practice Your Bidding" series.
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[Cover Photo] Stayman Auctions
Barbara Seagram and Linda Lee
Practice Your Bidding series.
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[Cover Photo] The Weak Notrump: How to Play It, How to Play Against It
Andy Stark
The complete guide to the 12-14 notrump opening. "How to Play It" covers transfer-style responses, two-way stayman, adjustments to the rest of your bidding system, coping with interference, and more: "How To Play Against It" discusses reasons why you should defend differently vs. strong and weak notrumps, and offers both a simple and a scientific defense to try.
You may also be interested in Mark Horton's companion volume on the Multicolored 2D opening.
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[Cover Photo] 25 Steps to Learning 2/1
Paul Thurston
Transition from Standard American to 2/1 Game Forcing bidding one convention at a time as you work your way through this book with your partner.
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Playing 2/1: The Rest of the Story
Paul Thurston
Paul Thurston's advice on how to play all the latest bidding gadgets, including extensive sections on XYZ and on modern cuebidding and slam exploration styles.
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[Cover Photo] Pocket Guide to 2/1
Paul Thurston
Compact spiral-bound summary of the 2/1 bidding system.
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2 over 1: A First Course
Bill Treble
Hot off the press in summer 2017, a new book aimed at teaching new bridge players the 2/1 bidding system as soon as they learn to play.
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[Cover Photo] Strong Club, Unbalanced Diamond
Bruce Watson
A new system featuring transfer responses to a strong club and a weak notrump opening, legal for ACBL play under the new Open convention chart.
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[Cover Photo] The Language of Bridge
Kit Woolsey
Kit Woolsey explains the process of converting an English description of a bridge hand ("5 spades, 4 hearts, 3 diamonds, and a club") into a bidding sequence (opening 1, rebidding 2 over partner's 2, then raising his diamonds at our third turn.) In later chapter, he goes on to exploring the nuances of the auction: why did partner choose this sequence and not that one?
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Inventory last updated: 09-18-2023 16:19:50