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Bridge Books - Intermediate

[Cover Photo] The Lebensohl Convention Complete
Ron Andersen
Thorough coverage of all three common uses of Lebensohl: after a 1NT opening, after opponents' weak two-bids, and after partner's reverse. Many example hands shown. Have your partner read this book and never have another expensive Lebensohl misunderstanding! One of the very few books on a specific convention to ever make it onto my "Recommended" list.
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[Cover Photo] Winning Notrump Leads
Taf Anthias and David Bird
A re-evaluation of opening leads against notrump contracts with the help of computer simulations. Everyone is told "tend to lead a major against 1NT-3NT," but this book will tell you exactly when a 4-card major is a better lead than a 5-card minor, for instance.
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[Cover Photo] Winning Suit Contract Leads
Taf Anthias and David Bird
Sequel to Bird and Anthias's book on notrump leads. Results of computer simulations, confirming some classic advice on what to lead, but busting a few myths too.
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[Cover Photo] I Love This Game
Sabine Auken
Hear the top-ranked woman player in the world describe her favourite moments in her bridge career, and share her philosophy of the game.
This is my personal favorite of all the expert biographies on the market.
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[Cover Photo] Almost the Only Bridge Book You'll Ever Need (volume 2)
Randy Baron
A second collection of essays on all aspects of the game. These are a little bit more in-depth than the first book, 5 to 10 pages on how to choose the right bidding conventions and lead agreements for a partnership and how to play the play and defense.
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Better Bidding with Bergen
Marty Bergen
The ins and out of Bergen Raises right from the horse's mouth, plus much more, from rebids after 1NT Forcing to advanced slam-finding techniques.
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[Cover Photo] Step By Step: Playing Notrump Contracts
Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely
A reprint and translation of a classic French-language play of the hand textbook, widely respected in Europe but rarely seen in the US until now.
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[Cover Photo] Step By Step: Playing Notrump Contracts
Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely
A reprint and translation of a classic French-language play of the hand textbook, widely respected in Europe but rarely seen in the US until now.
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52 Bridge Mistakes to Avoid
David Bird
The most common bidding, play, and defensive errors made my improving players, and how to spot them. Illustrated with examples from tournaments.
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Arrow Through the Heart
David Bird
Short stories about Robin Hood and his Merry Men playing bridge against the Sheriff of Nottingham. The reading is lighthearted and the hands are accessible to bridge players of any ability. I especially enjoyed the episodes where a young pageboy is allowed to play bridge against his mentor Robin for the first time.
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[Cover Photo] Deceptive Card Play
David Bird and Marc Smith
Each book in the Bridge Technique Series highlights one aspect of declarer play or defense. The first chapters introduce simple practice hands and the underlying theory; later chapters show more complex variations and examples of how the experts have used the technique in tournament play.
Great books for polishing particular aspects of your game, very readable.
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[Cover Photo] Eliminations and Throw-ins
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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[Cover Photo] Entry Management
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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[Cover Photo] Planning in Defense
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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[Cover Photo] Planning the Play in Notrump
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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[Cover Photo] Planning in Suit Contracts
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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[Cover Photo] Reading the Cards
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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[Cover Photo] Safety Plays
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge technique series.
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[Cover Photo] Squeezes Made Simple
David Bird and Marc Smith
Lives up to its title. A very easy and readable introduction to the squeeze - not a complicated play at all, despite the mystique surrounding it.

Bridge technique series.
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[Cover Photo] Tricks With Trumps
David Bird and Marc Smith
Bridge Technique Series.
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Clever Plays in the Trump Suit
David Bird
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Endplays for Everyone
David Bird
Sequel to his popular book on squeezes, this book walks you step by step how endplays work and how to identify situations where they are useful. Loser-on-loser plays and strip squeezes are also covered.
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[Cover Photo] Off-Road Declarer Play: Unusual Ways to Play a Bridge Hand
David Bird
Fourteen chapters of advice on how to handle unpleasant problems in the play of the hand when the easy "textbook" solutions don't apply: ways to reach an apparently entryless dummy, to unblock blocked suits, to cope with bad trump breaks, to rectify the count for a squeeze when the obvious way of giving up a trick is dangerous, and more.
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[Cover Photo] Robin Hood's Hold-up
David Bird
Another fun novel about the misadventures of Robin Hood and his friends (and enemies) at the bridge table.
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Saints and Sinners: the St. Titus Bridge Challenge
David Bird and Tim Bourke
More short stories from David Bird's ever-frustrated Abbot. Each story is preceded by a quick "what would you have done?" quiz box, for you to test your wits against the monks. The hands run the gamut from simple good sense to very deep analysis of the opponents' likely holdings.
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[Cover Photo] Somehow We Landed in 6NT
David Bird
A collection of hands where real experts and not-so-experts bid 6NT and then had to find a line of play that gave them a chance of salvaging the board.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Squeezes for Everyone
David Bird
Explanations in layman's terms of how to prepare for and execute the most common varieties of squeezes, illustrated with example hands. "Yes, even you!"
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[Cover Photo] Planning in Suit Contracts
David Bird and Marc Smith
Part of the new and enlarged "Test your bridge technique" series. A more advanced sequel to the original "bridge technique series" volumes.
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Winning Duplicate Tactics
David Bird
Coverage of all aspects of how duplicate strategy differs from rubber bridge strategy -- everything from accepting game tries, 3NT vs. 5C, to styles of opening leads. Many examples drawn from computer simulation of which contracts are most successful.
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Thinking about IMPs
John Boeder
Many duplicate players play matchpoints every week, and IMPs only for the Sunday Swiss at their annual local tournament. This book covers the skills needed to maximize your score at IMPs. Chapters on partscore bidding, choosing the right game, slam bidding, opening leads, and planning the play and defence. Also, special sections on partnership compatibility and sensible choice of bidding system.
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[Cover Photo] Three Notrump in Depth
Augie Boehm
The Professor and Sally Fourth tackle "everyone's favorite contract," 3NT. The first half of the book is about bidding judgment -- whether to bid 3NT or four of a major, how to ask for stoppers and half-stoppers, when you can bid 3NT with a long running suit and less than 26HCP. The second half tackles planning the play.
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[Cover Photo] IMPs vs Matchpoints: Different Games, Different Strategies
Augie Boehm
The Professor and Sally tackle the differences between pairs and teams.
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[Cover Photo] Getting to Good Slams: 30 Key Ideas
Terry Bossomaier
A collection of 100 slam-zone hands from real play, and a discussion of what slam conventions come up often and what ones don't. Even if you disagree with his conclusions, his "key ideas" are good food for thought for building your bidding agreements in a serious partnership.
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[Cover Photo] Great Hands I Wish I Had Played
Sally and Raymond Brock
When's the last time you said to yourself, "gee, I wish I could play that last hand over again!"? You'll feel better knowing that experts say the same thing to themselves more often than you'd think. The Brocks tattle on themselves, showing dozens of real-life hands, and showing how they should have been played and why. (And yes, they confess what really happened at the table on each deal, too.)
Warning: Out of Print! These are the last two copies I am likely to ever have.
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[Cover Photo] Leading Questions in Bridge
Sally Brock
An opening-leads book with a twist. It has a chapter for each of the common nuggets of opening-lead advice: fourth from your longest and strongest against notrump, singleton against a trump contract, and so on - and then examines each of these in detail, showing several examples where the "nursery rhyme" is right and where it is wrong, explaining how to tell the difference.
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Out of Hand, Out of Mind
Bill Buttle
A collection of Bill Buttle's cartoons about the foibles of bridge players.
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[Cover Photo] 100 Bridge Problems: Using Poker Tactics in Contract Bridge
Mike Cappelletti
Cappelletti's key message is that disciplined agression is the key to achieving maximum results in both poker and bridge. He has put together an array of hands covering everything from how high to preempt to choosing an attacking opening lead to preparing yourself for the possibility of psychic bids. Lots of food for thought!
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[Cover Photo] Bachelor Bridge
Simon Cocheme and David Bird
A reprint of a classic bridge novel, or rather, series of short stories: our hero attempts to partner 26 different women, from A to Z, at the bridge table and away from it... and generally makes a fool of himself both places.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge With a Twist
Simon Cocheme
This series of short stories covers the history of bridge, gives some humorous advice about the game, and is fun light entertainment. Easy to read one short chapter, easy to read the whole thing in one sitting!
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[Cover Photo] Following the Law
Larry Cohen
The sequel to "To Bid or Not to Bid." In this volume, we see more examples of the Law in action, more discussion of how to refine your bidding judgment with adjustments to the basic Law, and coverage of several space-age conventions that make it easier for you to make use of the Law in your competitive auctions.
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[Cover Photo] To Bid or Not to Bid: the Law of Total Tricks
Larry Cohen
Perhaps the single most influential bridge book of the 1990s!
The "Law of Total Tricks" is based on the simple fact that an extra small card in a long suit is worth an extra trick if your suit is trump and nothing if it is not. The more trumps you have the higher you can afford to bid, even on hands without much high-card strength.
In this book, Cohen covers the most common situations in competitive auctions and gives good rules of thumb for whether to bid on or defend. Your bidding judgment will improve overnight when you start following the Law!
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[Cover Photo] Pocket Guide to SAYC
Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer
A spiral-bound condensed summary of all the key points from Standard Bidding with SAYC, the full-length book by the same two authors.
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[Cover Photo] Standard Bidding with SAYC
Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer
Every checkbox and convention on the Standard American Yellow Card explained by two of the Internet's leading bridge teachers. The most comprehensive guide to standard bidding since Bill Root's Commonsense Bidding.
Do you really know what you are agreeing to when you sit down with a stranger and ask "SAYC, pd?" After you read this book you will!
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[Cover Photo] Winners, Losers, and Cover Cards
Ken Eichenbaum
Starts with sound advice on hand evaluation, then proceeds to apply it to many common auctions, including a thorough look at the author's favorite version of 2-way checkback, and good coverage of slam methods including the Serious 3NT bid.
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Swiss Team Tactics
Harold Feldheim
A detailed look at how Swiss Teams strategy differs from longer knockout teams matches and from pairs play. Special sections on how to cope with exceptionally weak or strong opponents.
This is a very underrated book, very readable, and the bidding and delcaring advice is excellent in general even if you don't play Swisses particularly often.

A popular out-of-print item. Only one left in stock!
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[Cover Photo] A Switch in Time
Matthew and Pamela Granovetter
One of the best books on defensive signals ever written, finally back in print after being impossible to find for almost 20 years. The definitive book on the "Obvious Shift Principle," which clears up confusion about when to encourage or discourage at trick one with marginal holdings in the suit partner led. It is no exaggeration to call Obvious Shift the experts's secret weapon on defense.
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[Cover Photo] 2/1 Game Force
Audrey Grant and Eric Rodwell
A basic intorduction to the 2/1 bidding system, in the same readable style as the Audrey Grant beginning bridge textbooks. An easy introduction to a simplified 2/1 system.
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[Cover Photo] Advanced Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century
Max Hardy
All the bells and whistles of modern 2/1 as played and taught by Max right up to the time of his death in 2002. This was his last book. Additional bidding tools to complement the material in "Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century."
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[Cover Photo] Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century
Max Hardy
Max Hardy believed that modern 2/1 was "the new Standard American" and was what all bridge players in the 21st century should learn. He may have overestimated the popularity of 2/1 a little bit, but he wrote a terrific introduction to the principles of 2/1 that anyone planning to play tournament bridge today shouldn't be without.
This book concentrates on the bread-and-butter sequences of 2/1: establishing a game force, setting trumps at a low level to save room for slam exploration, making full use of tools like the splinter bid to evaluate how well your hands fit together.
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For Love or Money: the Life of a Bridge Journalist
Mark Horton
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Master vs. Bridge Amateur
Mark Horton
A collection of tips to improve all aspects of your game -- presented by showing a series of deals, and discussing where the beginner's and the expert's thought processes differ when faced with the same decision. An ideal book for the student looking to move beyond simple textbook advice.
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[Cover Photo] Misbid These Hands With Me
Mark Horton
Another sequel to Mark's Misplay These Hands With Me and Misdefend These Hands With Me, showcasing places where even the experts suffered lapses in judgment. Can you do better?
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[Cover Photo] Misdefend These Hands With Me
Mark Horton
A sequel to Mark's Misplay These Hands With Me, this featuring hands misdefended by the experts. Look over their shoulders, see where they went wrong, and see if you can spot the clues to avoid falling into the same trap.
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[Cover Photo] Misplay These Hands With Me
Mark Horton
A book in the Reese "over-the-shoulder" style... featuring entirely hands which were played wrong by good players, followed by an explanation of how the correct play could have been spotted in time with more careful thought.
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[Cover Photo] Misplay More Hands With Me
Mark Horton
A sequel to Misplay These Hands With Me, featuring more hands that the experts got wrong at the table, followed by an explanation of how the correct play could have been spotted in time with more careful thought.
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[Cover Photo] The Contested Auction
Roy Hughes
Roy Hughes talks about what makes a good and a bad bidding convention, and offers suggestions how best to handle some common competitive sequences.
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[Cover Photo] Deadly Defence
Wladyslaw Izdebski and Ron Klinger
An advanced guide to using signals to best advantage and visualizing your partner's hand when you are defendning.
One of the very few books to teach and use upside-down signals throghout.
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The Power of Positive Bidding: Bidding Secrets of the Italian Champions
Wladyslaw Izdebski, Wlodzimiers Krysztofczyk, Ron Klinger
A compilation of the latest bidding methods used by the Italian experts, including a section on "Turbo," the compressed version of Keycard asks that is the latest trend in slam bidding.
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club International
Krzsysztof Jassem
A readable introduction to the world's most popular and successful forcing-but-not-strong club system, as described by a 2010 poll of Polish experts: the Polish equivalent of "Bridge World Standard."
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club 2020: Standard
Krzsysztof Jassem
A readable introduction to Polish Club, the strong-but-not-forcing club system popular in eastern Europe. If you want a system more precise and more aggressive than Standard American, but not as vulnerable to interference as Precision, Polish is the system for you!
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[Cover Photo] Eddie Kantar Teaches Advanced Bridge Defense
Eddie Kantar
Continues on from where Eddie Kantar Teaches Modern Bridge Defense leaves off. Approachable and entertaining explanation of the fine points of the game. (Do you know what the difference is between playing K-then-Q and K-then-J, when you are leading from KQJxx?)
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Defensive Tips for Bad Card Holders
Eddie Kantar
Over 500 one-line to one-paragraph morsels of advice on how to handle particular defensive situtations. Everything from how to interpret declarer's bidding to how to know what signal to give, to when to lead low from KQTxx instead of top of the sequence.
Reprinted after a long wait!
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[Cover Photo] Kantar for the Defense, v.1
Eddie Kantar
A hundred practice problems to hone your defensive judgment. Great bridge advice and classic Kantar wit on every page of hints and answers.
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Kantar for the Defense, v.2
Eddie Kantar
100 more practice hands to improve your defense.
Newly reprinted in a more readable format than the 1970s-era edition.
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[Cover Photo] Eddie Kantar Teaches Modern Bridge Defense
Eddie Kantar
An updated and reorganized rewrite of Kantar's classic 1974 "Bible of defense." Perhaps the most readable and enjoyable intermediate defense book on the market today!
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[Cover Photo] Take All Your Chances at Bridge
Eddie Kantar
A collection of declarer-play problems, emphasizing the theme of identifying several possible ways of making your contract and finding the plan that maximizes your odds.
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Take All Your Chances at Bridge, vol. 2
Eddie Kantar
Like volume 1, a collection of declarer play problems, most of which require you to combine chances from several possible lines to play to get the maximum result.
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[Cover Photo] Take Your Tricks: 550 Declarer-Play Tips You Can Take to the Bank
Eddie Kantar
The title says it all!

Back in print after a very long wait. One of Kantar's most popular books in the 1990s, and the advice on declarer play is as relevant today as ever.
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Test Your Bridge Play vol. 1
Eddie Kantar
100 declarer play problems for you to try your hand at. Each one illustrates one simple lesson about planning the play -- and most of them contain a hidden trap to sort out the intermediate player from the expert! Excellent practice, well worth working your way through the book more than once.
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Test Your Bridge Play vol. 2
Eddie Kantar
Another 100 declarer play problems in the same vein as volume 1... some easy, some very deep, many in between... all guaranteed to reinforce a valuable point about how to be a good declarer.
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[Cover Photo] The Bridge Philosopher
James Kauder
Reprinted and retitled edition of Kauder's classic book Creative Card Play. My personal favorite of all "collections of bridge deals" books and I am delighted to see it back in print.
Every one of the hands has a logical but non-textbook solution; he explains the clues from the bidding, play, and his reading of the opponents' habits that guide him to the winning line.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Philosopher 3
James Kauder
Volume 3 of Jimmy Kauder's advice on advanced declarer play. Humorous stories about hands where it pays to not just take the first line you see.
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[Cover Photo] Return of the Bridge Philosopher
James Kauder
Another bookful of stories in the same style as The Bridge Philosopher, fifty more entertaining stories from Jimmy Kauder's adventures in the tournament and rubber bridge worlds.
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Bridge Odds for Practical Players
Hugh Kelsey
A short practical guide to finding the best line of play. Starts with single-suit probabilities, and continues with ways to combine your chances, the Rule of Vacant Places, and Restricted Choice.
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[Cover Photo] Kelsey on Squeeze Play
Hugh Kelsey
Get a classic book at 20% off! Retails for $36.00!
A reprint of Kelsey's four classic books on simple, double, triple, and strip squeezes, bound as one volume. An abundance of examples of hands drawn from real play, and a classification of different types of threats and guards. Great if you like collections of interesting hands, or if you prefer to "learn by example" at a laid-back pace how squeezes work.
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The Right Bid at the Right Time
Neil Kimelman
Third in Neil Kimelman's trilogy of bidding-judgment books, published March 2016. The three volumes are roughly in order of complexity: this one emphasizes tough competitive decisions.
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[Cover Photo] The Thin Fine Line
Neil Kimelman
A close look at close bidding decisions and how to choose which call is better. Even better than Neil's first, more general, book of bidding advice.
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[Cover Photo] The Notrump Zone
Danny Kleinman
When should you exercise your judgment to open 1NT on a semibalanced hand? Are some point ranges better than others? It's all in here. Which conventions beyond Stayman and Jacoby Transfers should you use? He gives three separate answers to this one, depending on whether you and your partner want a simple but functional system or the "most detailed system money can buy."
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[Cover Photo] Persistent Human Bridge Errors
Danny Kleinman and Nick Straguzzi
Further tales of Chthonic, the perfect bridge-playing computer, and the trouble he has making sense of his human partners, teammates, and opponents.
Not just stories - each story has a moral, a lesson about mistakes mere mortals frequently make at the table. Lots of material that didn't appear in The Bridge World!
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[Cover Photo] The Principle of Restricted Talent
Danny Kleinman and Nick Straguzzi
The adventures of a wisecracking bridge-playing robot and his inventors. Logical solutions to dozens of very difficult cardplay and defense problems, mixed into a series of short stories.
One of the best recent contributions to the "bridge novel" genre.
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[Cover Photo] 100 Winning Bridge Tips
Ron Klinger
A treasury of one-liners with advice for your bidding, declarer play, and defense, with a page of explanation and examples for the logic behind each one. The Rule of Seven, the Rule of Eleven, the Even Suit-Break Test, an explanation of why 1C-1S-1NT-2S promises not five but six spades, and much more.
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[Cover Photo] Cue Bidding to Slams
Ron Klinger
A whole book specifically about control-showing bids -- a vastly more powerful slam exploration technique than Blackwood, but one overlooked by many new bridge players. Emphasizes the traditional ("aces first") style, touches briefly on Italian and Sweep cuebids. For the Italian style (either aces or kings first), see Ken Rexford's Cuebidding: a Modern Approach.
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Defending Doubled Contracts
Ron Klinger
Master Bridge Series. A collection of defensive problems, all doubled contracts. Choosing the right line often requires thinking carefully not just about what declarer has shown in the bidding, but why partner doubled.
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[Cover Photo] Improve Your Declarer Play at Notrumps
Ron Klinger
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[Cover Photo] The Modern Losing Trick Count
Ron Klinger
If you are ready to look beyond the high-card point and refine your bidding judgment, this is the book for you. One of the great books on hand evaluation.
The Losing Trick Count is a simple yet surprisingly accurate hand evaluation method, known in the 1930s but temporarily forgotten in the enthusiasm for point count bidding in the 40s and 50s. It has several advantages over HCP: it accounts naturally for the importance of having fitting rather than scattered honors; and because it forces you to think about counting tricks rather than points, it makes adjustments to the raw count simple -- instead of memorizing rules like subtracting a point for an unguarded face card, you simply count a card that the bidding tells you is unlikely to win a trick as a loser and vice versa!
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Playing Doubled Contracts
Ron Klinger
Master Bridge Series. A collection of declarer play problems, all in doubled contracts. You are challenged first to decide whether your goal is minimizing undertricks, making your contract, or trying for overtricks to make up for missing slam -- then to find the right line of play.
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[Cover Photo] The Power of Pass
Ron Klinger and Harold Schogger
Bridge is a bidder's game, and the trend in recent years is all in favor of lighter openings, lighter responses, and wilder preempts. Here is a counterpoint to that trend: learn when it is right to pass — stay low when your side has a misfit, don't balance when it isn't safe to do so, and much more.
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[Cover Photo] The Power of Shape
Ron Klinger
Understand how your distribution impacts the value of your face cards. General theory, advice on when it is right to over- or under-bid, and chapters on how to handle modern bidding tools like the splinter bid. Recently reprinted,and marked down from the $22.95 cover price!
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[Cover Photo] Understanding the Contested Auction
Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites
Sixteen chapters, covering everything from the negative double to two-suited overcalls to special matchpoint pairs competitive decisions.
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[Cover Photo] Understanding Slam Bidding
Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites
A step-by-step approach to visualizing the possibility of a slam and then exploring for it. It all begins with hand evaluation and trick counting! Coverage of both cuebidding and Blackwood asks, as well as essential conventions like splinter bids.
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[Cover Photo] When to Bid, When to Pass
Ron Klinger
Refine your bidding judgment by seeing how the value of a hand changes depending on which suits the high-card strength are in and how the previous auction has gone. He starts out with a few rules of thumb and then considers a dozen different common types of auctions.
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[Cover Photo] A Bridge to Inspired Declarer Play
Julian Laderman
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[Cover Photo] A Bridge to Simple Squeezes
Julian Laderman
A new approach to helping intermediate players understand how squeezes work, beginning with identifying potential threats at the beginning of the play through to completing the execution of the squeeze.
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[Cover Photo] Still Not Finding Squeezes?
Julian Laderman
A followup to Laderman's A Bridge to Simple Squeezes: 39 practice deals to identify and practice executing squeezes.
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[Cover Photo] Useful Probability for Bridge
Julian Laderman
A very readable exposition of how to solve at-the-table problems with the help of probability. He goes out of his way to make the math as painless as possible, and emphasizes situations where a player's experience already guides him most of the way to the answer. Suit breaks, HCP, and much more.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Balancing in Contract Bridge
Mike Lawrence
IN some auctions it is safe to balance with a 4-card suit and a weak hand; in others you should have six or a fairly strong hand! This book helps you know how agressive to be in various balancing situations.
Separate chapters for reopening the bidding when an opening bid is passed around, when the opponents find a sit but stop low, when they bid notrump, and when they are in a misfit auction.
Newly reprinted edition of a classic book on competitive bidding.
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[Cover Photo] Falsecards
Mike Lawrence
A rarely-covered aspect of declarer play (and of defence), discussing all the situations when you shouldn't automatically play your lowest card when you can't win the trick, win as cheaply as possible when you can, and so on. The so-called "mandatory falsecards" have to be a part of every good player's technique even if you are not interested in deliberate deception.
Recently reprinted, like the other Mike Lawrence classics.
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[Cover Photo] How to Play Card Combinations
Mike Lawrence
This is not a dry list of every possible card combination and how to play it. Rather, he takes some common every card combinations, and shows the same card combination in the context of 5 or 10 different deals, explaining how the way you handle a given suit depends on your plan for the entire deal.
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[Cover Photo] How to Read Your Opponents' Cards
Mike Lawrence
A systematic discussion of how to assemble clues from your opponents' bidding and early leads to enable you to place the unseen key cards like the experts do. A very readable introduction well worth reading twice!
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Overcalls in Contract Bridge
Mike Lawrence
New revised and expanded version of Lawrence's classic comprehensive overcalls book.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Guide to Passed Hand Bidding
Mike Lawrence
Ever wondered just how crazy of openings you can get away with in third seat? Or how your partner should respond after he sees how crazy yours are? This book contains Mike Lawrence's expert opinion on the subject.
The expanded 2nd edition adds more coverage of responses to 3rd seat openings -- fit-jumps and other alternatives, in addition to proposed Drury enhancements.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Takeout Doubles
Mike Lawrence
Learn to avoid common misconceptions about doubles; decide which reopening doubles are takeout and which aren't; learn how to choose your response to partner's takeout double. Newly revised 2nd edition — it doesn't have the Chinese takeout carton on the cover anymore :)
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[Cover Photo] Tips on Bidding
Mike Lawrence
A detailed and example-filled tour of some of the most common problems in the uncontested auction: when to raise on 3-card support, how reverses work, when to splinter, and more.
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[Cover Photo] Tips on Competitive Bidding
Mike Lawrence
In the same format as his previous Available now and ready to ship

[Cover Photo] Workbook on the 2/1 System
Mike Lawrence
Recently reprinted classic textbook for learning 2/1, comparing and contrasting Lawrence's style with Max Hardy's style. Many example hands for partnerships to make sure they agree how to bid.
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Bridge Squeezes Complete
Clyde Love
A reprint and update of the classic analysis of simple, double, triple, and compound squeezes.
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Test Your Play as Declarer, vol. 1
Paul Lukacs and Jeff Rubens
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Test Your Play as Declarer, vol. 2
Paul Lukacs and Jeff Rubens
A collection of hard to downright fiendish declarer play problems, some of them reprinted from long ago in the Bridge World. The obvious line never works but there is a clear and concise explanation of how you should have found the right line!
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Probability and Information
Robert MacKinnon
Learn the math behind the simple rules like "eight ever, nine never" and "finesse into the preemptor." The Principle of Vacant Spaces, the Principle of Restricted Choice, and much more. Great emphasis placed on how to think about the hand as a whole, rather than merely looking at suits in isolation to find the best chance.
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[Cover Photo] Competitive Bidding in the 21st Century
Marshall Miles
Miles's unique take on when to use modern conventional methods, as well as some old-fashioned bidding judgment. After a 1D opening on your right, would you overcall 1S on KQJx xx xx Axxxx? Marshall Miles might!
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[Cover Photo] Inferences at Bridge
Marshall Miles
Learn how to turn the opponents' bids and plays against them, by taking advantage of that extra information to help you decide what to bid and how to plan your own play and defense.
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[Cover Photo] Its Your Call
Marshall Miles
A compendium of Miles's favorite bidding problems, drawn from the bidding panel of ACBL District 23.
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[Cover Photo] Modern Constructive Bidding
Marshall Miles
An expert gives his opinion on which modern conventions are useful and which aren't. All the popular conventions and system choices are covered: 2/1 Game forcing or not? 1NT forcing or semi-forcing? Fourth suit forcing one round or to game? You may not agree with all of Miles's opinions but he will provide you with food for thought to help you make your own system decisions. One of the very few sources in print to cover some modern conventions like XYZ and Bart.
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[Cover Photo] Card Play Technique, or the Art of Being Lucky
Victor Mollo and Nico Gardener
An old classic that has long been out of print. A humorous and accessible guide to all of the standard techniques, from simple to advanced. Declarer play and defense advice in alternating chapters.
If someone recommended Watson's Play of the Hand to you and you found it too dry, try Mollo instead!
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[Cover Photo] Kickback
Robert Munger
A simple readable introduction to "Kickback," a replacement for Blackwood that uses 4S instead of 4NT to ace for key cards when hearts are trump.
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Defending Together
Freddie North
A simple and readable guide to common defensive situations, illustrating standard carding agreements with examples.
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[Cover Photo] Multi-Landy: The Killer Defense vs. 1NT
David Oakley
Detailed coverage of the newest trend in overcalling your opponent's 1NT opening, taking over the ACBL by storm after it became a General Convention Chart method in 2015.

Particularly important is the discussion of why it's OK to use an artificial double against a weak notrump — waiting for a penalty double is just too rare! Show your shape any time you have sound overcall values, and let your partner pass for penalties with a misfitting decent hand.

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[Cover Photo] When to Draw Trumps
Adam Parrish
The author introduces his process for counting losers and choosing a line of play. That's what drives our decision whether or not to pull trumps immediately: do we need the trumps for something else (like ruffing a loser?) do we need to take a fast discard before driving out a high trump? How will our plan change if trumps break 4-1 instead of 3-2? Fred Karpin's classic book The Drawing of Trumps and Its Postponement (now out of print) was one of the most valuable books on declarer play I read when I first learned bridge. Now this book brings this material to a new generation of players.
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[Cover Photo] Thinking on Defense: the Art of Visualization in Bridge
Jim Priebe
One of my favorite books on defense. Not a set of rules to follow; it is practice visualizing partner's and declarer's hands, and focusing on the key features of a deal to defend it well.
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[Cover Photo] Accurate Cardplay
Terence Reese and Roger Trezel
A reprint in one volume of four of the classic Reese-Trezel books on cardplay: safety plays, blocking and unblocking, ducking, and eliminations.
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Imaginative Cardplay
Terence Reese and Roger Trezel
A reprint in one volume of four more of the classic Reese-Trezel books on cardplay. This volume covers odds, combining your chances, and deceptive declarer play.
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[Cover Photo] Variable Keycard Blackwood
Ken Rexford
A long overdue improvement to Roman Keycard Blackwood: if you take advantage of knowing how strong responder is, you can use a much more precise set of keycard responses -- "Weak KCB" after you preempt or give a simple raise, "Strong KCB" after you reverse or open 2C.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge: Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
Andrew Robson
A total of 172 of Andrew Robson's newspaper column hands, organized by topic and with a short easy-to-remember tip at the end of each one.
By special order only

[Cover Photo] The Rodwell Files
Eric Rodwell and Mark Horton
A compliation of declarer play and defense techniques, with Eric Rodwell's advice on how to recognize each sitation and take advantage of it. The introduction is deceptively simple, the late portions extremely complex.
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[Cover Photo] Things Your Bridge Teacher Won't Tell You
Dan Romm
A high-stakes money bridge player talks about methods and tactics that have made him a winner. The first third of the book is about mental preparation and overall approach; the second part tips applicable to particular situations; the third part covers 20 popular bidding conventions: why he loves some, why he hates others.
An excellent practical resource if you play a lot of individual tournaments or a wide variety of pickup partners.
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[Cover Photo] How to Play a Bridge Hand
Bill Root
"Not for the beginner or the expert, but great for the 90% of you in between," as it says in the preface. Hundreds and hundreds of practice hands illustrating how to play suit combinations, how to establish and maintain trump control, deciding which of two suits to play on. By the end of the book you work your way up to throwins and squeezes, and a chapter on special cases where you play the hand different at matchpoints than at rubber bridge.
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[Cover Photo] Modern Bridge Conventions
Bill Root and Richard Pavlicek
More than "just" a description of how the 50 or so most popular bidding conventions work. It also goes into great detail about how the second and third rounds of bidding unfold after each convention is used; how different conventions interact with each other; and how to cope with the loss of the natural bid you had to give up to adopt the convention.
Every convention in the book is rated as a "one-, two-," or "three-star convention" according to how complex it is, making it easier for new players to decide which conventions are worth their effort to learn. An appendix shows how to mark each convention on the ACBL convention card.
There are several newer conventions books on the market today, but this one had stood the test of time. Exceptionally well-written and thorough, it is still my top pick in this category.
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[Cover Photo] Beat the Experts at Bridge
Danny Roth
A collection of 88 hands published in books and newspaper columns that were incorrectly analyzed by the original author. Get to enjoy a laugh at the expense of your favorite columnists and learn even more about the game while you do.
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[Cover Photo] Challenge Your Declarer Play
Danny Roth
A collection of 60 declarer play problems. Danny is careful not to give away the winning line by leading you up to the key trick and asking what card to play. The problems reinforce the importance of making a plan at trick one: count your winners and losers, carefully choose your goal and find the line of play most likely to enable you to succeed.
A steal at $9.95, compared to most recently published quiz books!
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[Cover Photo] Focus on Declarer Play
Danny Roth
Learn to avoid common errors in the planning the play of a bridge hand.
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The Secrets of Winning Bridge
Jeff Rubens
A long-awaited reprint and update of one of the great classics. The chapters on hand evaluation alone are worth the price of the book, but there is also great advice about play at both matchpoints and IMPs.
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Swiss Match Challenge
Jeff Rubens
A set of fifty-six challenging problems in bidding, declarer play, and defense, set up as a series of eight seven-board matches against strong Swiss Team opponents.
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[Cover Photo] 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram and Marc Smith
Twenty-five chapters, one on each of the most commonly used conventions in tournament bridge today.
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[Cover Photo] 25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A chapter on each of 25 conventions used by the pros, making them accessible to serious club players eager to improve their games.
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[Cover Photo] 25 Ways to Compete in the Bidding
Barbara Seagram and Marc Smith
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[Cover Photo] 25 Ways to Be a Better Defender
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
The last book in the 25 Steps series. Tips on leads, signals, planning the defense, and more.
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[Cover Photo] 25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
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[Cover Photo] Four-Suit Transfers
Barbara Seagram and Andy Stark
Practice Your Bidding series.
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[Cover Photo] Play it Safe!
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A new declarer play lesson from Barbara Seagram, covering not just "safety plays," but how to choose the best line for a given suit combination to produce a given number of tricks. She also covers MP vs. IMP considerations, and how the play of a suit fits into the whole hand.
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[Cover Photo] Why You Lose at Bridge
S. J. Simon
First appearing in 1940, one of the classic books of the game! Two volumes in one. Part one is about five common types of technical errors, while part two is about the psychology of the game.
Emphasis on techniques applicable to rubber bridge and pickup partnerships.
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[Cover Photo] The Weak Notrump: How to Play It, How to Play Against It
Andy Stark
The complete guide to the 12-14 notrump opening. "How to Play It" covers transfer-style responses, two-way stayman, adjustments to the rest of your bidding system, coping with interference, and more: "How To Play Against It" discusses reasons why you should defend differently vs. strong and weak notrumps, and offers both a simple and a scientific defense to try.
You may also be interested in Mark Horton's companion volume on the Multicolored 2D opening.
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[Cover Photo] Becoming a Bridge Expert: Sure-fire Tips and Secrets to Boost Your Scores
Frank Stewart
Fifteen mini-lessons each, about bidding, play, defense, and the game in general, to aid intermediate players in progressing toward expert status.

Some of the advice is a bit dated, especially about bidding - but play and defense advice never goes out of date!
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Keys to Winning Bridge: The Advancing Player's Playbook
Frank Stewart
An interwoven series of hands to help the novice player learn where to focus his attention to solve each deal. If you enjoy Frank's newspaper column, you'll enjoy reading this book, which feels like 100 of his columns strung together.
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[Cover Photo] How to Play Bridge with your Spouse and Survive
Roselyn Teukolsky
It really IS possible to have a successful partnership with your spouse -- in fact there are several good reasons why that can be an ideal situation for you!
Part autobiography, part humor, part bridge textbook, and part marriage counselor. A look at how a bridge partnership evolves as the people involved date, marry, have children, and cope with midlife crises. (And yes, the book has a happy ending!)
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[Cover Photo] 25 Steps to Learning 2/1
Paul Thurston
Transition from Standard American to 2/1 Game Forcing bidding one convention at a time as you work your way through this book with your partner.
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Playing 2/1: The Rest of the Story
Paul Thurston
Paul Thurston's advice on how to play all the latest bidding gadgets, including extensive sections on XYZ and on modern cuebidding and slam exploration styles.
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[Cover Photo] Pocket Guide to 2/1
Paul Thurston
Compact spiral-bound summary of the 2/1 bidding system.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Out of School
Bill Townsend
A novel, weaving together the lives of four marginally competent schoolteachers, a corrupt bridge federation official, and a blackmailed lawyer. Mixed in with lots of clever declarer play and defense problems, of course.
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Defending at Bridge: A First Course
Bill Treble
By special order only

Getting into the Bidding: A Bridge Toolkit
Bill Treble
A guided tour of the most popular conventions to use in competitive auctions: Michaels, artificial doubles, several systems to choose from over 1NT, and more.
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[Cover Photo] The New York Times Bridge Book
Alan Truscott
Subtitle: An anecdotal history of the development, personalities, and strategies of the world's most popular card game.
By special order only

[Cover Photo] Winning Declarer Play
Dorothy Truscott
Dorothy Hayden Truscott's classic book on planning the play of the hand is back in print thanks to the folks at Master Point Press.
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[Cover Photo] Watson's Classic Book on the Play of the Hand at Bridge
Louis Watson and Sam Fry
First written in the 1930s and revised in 1962, this is still the classic book on declarer play. Part I covers all of the basic principles (how to establish a suit, the finesse, the hold-up play, the crossruff) while Part II expands on these with topics like how to choose which of two suits to establish and an introduction to elimination plays.
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[Cover Photo] The Language of Bridge
Kit Woolsey
Kit Woolsey explains the process of converting an English description of a bridge hand ("5 spades, 4 hearts, 3 diamonds, and a club") into a bidding sequence (opening 1, rebidding 2 over partner's 2, then raising his diamonds at our third turn.) In later chapter, he goes on to exploring the nuances of the auction: why did partner choose this sequence and not that one?
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Kit Woolsey
Kit Woolsey's classic collection of essays on how on how matchpoint bidding, play, and defense is different from rubber bridge and team games. Topics range from how to choose between 3NT and 4 of a major when you have an 8-card fit, to some controversial suggestions on how often to play Moysian fits.
Updated and revised for the 21st century.
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Inventory last updated: 09-18-2023 16:19:51