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Bridge Books - New arrivals

[Cover Photo] Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
Alex Adamson and Harry Smith
The third installment about bridge in the Land of Oz, following "If I Only Had a Heart" and "Bridge Over the Rainbow." A good mix of moderately hard play problems, dressed up with a story about Dorothy and the Tin Man competing to earn the most masterpoints in a year.
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[Cover Photo] Shark's Pointers
Mark Aquino
Reprinted articles from Northeastern expert Mark Aquino on how to get the most of your game and your partnership.
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[Cover Photo] Counting at Bridge
Dianne Aves
A beginner's introduction to the importance of counting the high-card points and the distribution of the unseen hands in order to delcare and defend well.
Much easier than the more advanced counting books like Lawrence's How To Read Your Opponents' Cards.
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[Cover Photo] Almost the Only Bridge Book You'll Ever Need (volume 1)
Randy Baron
A collection of short 2- or 3-page tips from a dozen different experts. Review everything from the Rule of 15 for 4th-seat opening to advice on ethics and the care and feeding of partners.
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[Cover Photo] Almost the Only Bridge Book You'll Ever Need (volume 2)
Randy Baron
A second collection of essays on all aspects of the game. These are a little bit more in-depth than the first book, 5 to 10 pages on how to choose the right bidding conventions and lead agreements for a partnership and how to play the play and defense.
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A Taste of Bridge
Jeff Bayone
A new textbook for teaching beginners to play bridge, one step at a time. Twenty-eight easy lessons, intended to be covered over the course of an 8 to 12 week course. Emphasis on play, and having fun, over bidding.
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[Cover Photo] Enhanced Precision
Ron Beall
New 4th edition incorporating all the latest high-powered gadgetry for a strong club system.
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[Cover Photo] A Simpler Blue Team Club: Mississauga style
Dan Berkley
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[Cover Photo] Step By Step: Playing Notrump Contracts
Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely
A reprint and translation of a classic French-language play of the hand textbook, widely respected in Europe but rarely seen in the US until now.
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[Cover Photo] Step By Step: Playing Notrump Contracts
Robert Berthe and Norbert Lebely
A reprint and translation of a classic French-language play of the hand textbook, widely respected in Europe but rarely seen in the US until now.
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52 Bridge Mistakes to Avoid
David Bird
The most common bidding, play, and defensive errors made my improving players, and how to spot them. Illustrated with examples from tournaments.
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Arrow Through the Heart
David Bird
Short stories about Robin Hood and his Merry Men playing bridge against the Sheriff of Nottingham. The reading is lighthearted and the hands are accessible to bridge players of any ability. I especially enjoyed the episodes where a young pageboy is allowed to play bridge against his mentor Robin for the first time.
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Clever Plays in the Trump Suit
David Bird
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[Cover Photo] 15 Winning Cardplay Techniques
David Bird and Tim Bourke
An easy-to-read large-format guide to the basics of good declarer play. A chapter for each of the most common plans for how to make a contract.
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[Cover Photo] Robin Hood's Hold-up
David Bird
Another fun novel about the misadventures of Robin Hood and his friends (and enemies) at the bridge table.
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[Cover Photo] Planning in Suit Contracts
David Bird and Marc Smith
Part of the new and enlarged "Test your bridge technique" series. A more advanced sequel to the original "bridge technique series" volumes.
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Winning Duplicate Tactics
David Bird
Coverage of all aspects of how duplicate strategy differs from rubber bridge strategy -- everything from accepting game tries, 3NT vs. 5C, to styles of opening leads. Many examples drawn from computer simulation of which contracts are most successful.
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[Cover Photo] Getting to Good Slams: 30 Key Ideas
Terry Bossomaier
A collection of 100 slam-zone hands from real play, and a discussion of what slam conventions come up often and what ones don't. Even if you disagree with his conclusions, his "key ideas" are good food for thought for building your bidding agreements in a serious partnership.
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[Cover Photo] Maastricht Challenge
Tim Bourke
A set of challenging bridge puzzles drawn from actual deals played at the Maastricht world championships.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge with Another Perfect Partner
John Carruthers
Do you have one of those partners who always knows exactly what you did wrong, but never seems to admit to making any mistakes himself? A novel about the trials and tribulations of playing with a know-it-all partner. (And a homage to a long out-of-print P.F. Saunders book on the same theme, published in the UK in the 1970s.)
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[Cover Photo] Bridge Crosswords 2
Jeff Chen
Fifty more bridge-themed crosswords from a puzzle-maker whose work has often appeared in the New York Times and elsewhere. Spiral-bound for easy tearing out of individaul puzzles.
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[Cover Photo] Bachelor Bridge
Simon Cocheme and David Bird
A reprint of a classic bridge novel, or rather, series of short stories: our hero attempts to partner 26 different women, from A to Z, at the bridge table and away from it... and generally makes a fool of himself both places.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge With a Twist
Simon Cocheme
This series of short stories covers the history of bridge, gives some humorous advice about the game, and is fun light entertainment. Easy to read one short chapter, easy to read the whole thing in one sitting!
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[Cover Photo] Optimal Hand Evaluation
Patrick Darricades
Everything you ever wanted to know, and more, about the various competing point-count methods, from Goren to Cowen to Zar and everyone in between.

A few hands from actual play are included as illustrations, but primarily aimed at theorists and simulators, not at casual players.

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Allan DeSerpa
Allan De Serpa has a new idea for how to ask for "keycards and queecards" (the 4 aces, and the 2 kings and 2 queens of the bid suits) after an auction like 1NT-2H(transfer)-2S-3H, and fit it all in below game. There is a similarity to Ken Rexford's Variable Keycard Blackwood, in that the responses are tuned to match the strength that partner has shown (2-4 keycards after a 1NT opening, for instance.)
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[Cover Photo] Winners, Losers, and Cover Cards
Ken Eichenbaum
Starts with sound advice on hand evaluation, then proceeds to apply it to many common auctions, including a thorough look at the author's favorite version of 2-way checkback, and good coverage of slam methods including the Serious 3NT bid.
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It's All in the Game: the Fun Side of Winning Bridge
Robert Ewen and Jeff Rubens
A collection of humorous stories, mostly from the early days of the Bridge World, reprinted in this new large-format volume.
By special order only

Can You Win the USBC Team Trials 2013?
Matthias Felmy
A selection of bidding, play, and defense problems that arose on actual hands in the US international team trials, as analyzed by a rising German star.

You can just play along and keep score, rating your plays against what was done at the table, or you can dig deep into the mind of an expert by reading the full analysis of each deal.

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Elizabeth Flynn
The Eight of Clubs Was Good? Comfort Food for the Bridge Soul
A mixture of stories about the trials of new bridge players, and recipes recommended for your next bridge party.
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Playing Suit Combinations
Fred Gitelman and Jeff Rubens
Not just a simple handbook of common suit combinations. The introduction summarizes how to calculate the odds, condensed from Jeff Rubens's Expert Bridge Simplified; the rest of the book is a quiz of several dozen tricky combinations. Not for the faint of heart, but it will improve your declarer play!
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[Cover Photo] The MOSSO Bidding System
Richard Granville and David Burn
For experts only! A cutting-edge experimental system, with a different spin on the Polish Club (forcing but not strong 1C opening) principle, inspired in part by Fantunes.
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[Cover Photo] Bridging Two World
Martin Hoffman
Martin's life story, from concentration camp survivor to European bridge pro and teacher. Emphasis on the history and story, rather than on individual memorable deals.
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[Cover Photo] Misbid These Hands With Me
Mark Horton
Another sequel to Mark's Misplay These Hands With Me and Misdefend These Hands With Me, showcasing places where even the experts suffered lapses in judgment. Can you do better?
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[Cover Photo] Misdefend These Hands With Me
Mark Horton
A sequel to Mark's Misplay These Hands With Me, this featuring hands misdefended by the experts. Look over their shoulders, see where they went wrong, and see if you can spot the clues to avoid falling into the same trap.
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[Cover Photo] Misplay More Hands With Me
Mark Horton
A sequel to Misplay These Hands With Me, featuring more hands that the experts got wrong at the table, followed by an explanation of how the correct play could have been spotted in time with more careful thought.
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[Cover Photo] The Contested Auction
Roy Hughes
Roy Hughes talks about what makes a good and a bad bidding convention, and offers suggestions how best to handle some common competitive sequences.
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[Cover Photo] Secrets Your Bridge Friends Never Tell You
Cathy Hunsberger
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The Power of Positive Bidding: Bidding Secrets of the Italian Champions
Wladyslaw Izdebski, Wlodzimiers Krysztofczyk, Ron Klinger
A compilation of the latest bidding methods used by the Italian experts, including a section on "Turbo," the compressed version of Keycard asks that is the latest trend in slam bidding.
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[Cover Photo] Fantunes Revealed
Bill Jacobs
A compilation of the world-championship-winning methods of Fantoni and Nunes, created by observing thousands of their deals played on Vugraph. A fascinating system for gadget fans even you don't plan to play it yourself. (Fantoni-Nunes were caught cheating soon after this book came out: it's an open question how good their system is when played honestly.)
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club 2020: Expert
Krzsysztof Jassem
A look at the more complicated features of Polish Club, the strong-but-not-forcing club system popular in eastern Europe.
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[Cover Photo] Polish Club 2020: Standard
Krzsysztof Jassem
A readable introduction to Polish Club, the strong-but-not-forcing club system popular in eastern Europe. If you want a system more precise and more aggressive than Standard American, but not as vulnerable to interference as Precision, Polish is the system for you!
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Master of Bridge Psychology: Inside the Remarkable Mind of Peter Fredin
Jeppe Juhl
A biography of Swedish rising star Peter Fredin, highlighting hands against world class competition where psychology mattered more than the simple mechanics of bridge.
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[Cover Photo] Take Your Tricks: 550 Declarer-Play Tips You Can Take to the Bank
Eddie Kantar
The title says it all!

Back in print after a very long wait. One of Kantar's most popular books in the 1990s, and the advice on declarer play is as relevant today as ever.
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Bridge Philosopher 4
James Kauder
Volume 4 of Jimmy Kauder's advice on advanced declarer play. Humorous stories about hands where it pays to not just take the first line you see.
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Bridge Odds for Practical Players
Hugh Kelsey
A short practical guide to finding the best line of play. Starts with single-suit probabilities, and continues with ways to combine your chances, the Rule of Vacant Places, and Restricted Choice.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge for the Connoisseur
Hugh Kelsey
A collection of 85 deals analyzed by one of the game's greatest writers. Reprint of a 1980s classic.
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[Cover Photo] Sharpen Your Bridge Technique
Hugh Kelsey
A reprint of a 1981 Hugh Kelsey classic, covering how to attune yourself to the clues you need to make more of your contracts and set more of your opponents'. A peek into an expert's mental processes.
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[Cover Photo] Crocs on Squeeze Play, v. 1
Stephen Kennedy
A young British international takes you on a guided tour of what Clyde Love called the "hinterland of squeeze territory", sparkling with sharp wit as well as sharp analysis.
Coverage of some "old" squeezes that are rarely plumbed in depth like Reese's 'Winkle', and some you've never even heard of before.
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[Cover Photo] Crocs on Squeeze Play, v. 2
Stephen Kennedy
A young British international continues his guided tour of what Clyde Love called the "hinterland of squeeze territory," exploring ever more exotic end positions. This series may well be the Adventures in Card Play of the 21st century!
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Defending Doubled Contracts
Ron Klinger
Master Bridge Series. A collection of defensive problems, all doubled contracts. Choosing the right line often requires thinking carefully not just about what declarer has shown in the bidding, but why partner doubled.
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How Good is Your Bridge Hand?
Ron Klinger
A great overview of several different hand evaluation methods, and of the conventions that are used to help apply them (two-way game tries, splinters.) Written from the 4-card major and weak notrump perspective.
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[Cover Photo] Improve Your Declarer Play at Notrumps
Ron Klinger
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Playing Doubled Contracts
Ron Klinger
Master Bridge Series. A collection of declarer play problems, all in doubled contracts. You are challenged first to decide whether your goal is minimizing undertricks, making your contract, or trying for overtricks to make up for missing slam -- then to find the right line of play.
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[Cover Photo] Play With the Champions
Ron Klinger
Rare out-of-print collection of bridge hands played by experts in international tournaments.
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[Cover Photo] The Power of Pass
Ron Klinger and Harold Schogger
Bridge is a bidder's game, and the trend in recent years is all in favor of lighter openings, lighter responses, and wilder preempts. Here is a counterpoint to that trend: learn when it is right to pass — stay low when your side has a misfit, don't balance when it isn't safe to do so, and much more.
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[Cover Photo] Useful Probability for Bridge
Julian Laderman
A very readable exposition of how to solve at-the-table problems with the help of probability. He goes out of his way to make the math as painless as possible, and emphasizes situations where a player's experience already guides him most of the way to the answer. Suit breaks, HCP, and much more.
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[Cover Photo] Good, Better, Best: a comparison of bridge bidding systems and conventions by computer simulation
Jan Eric Larsson
Jan has been using computer to help analyze bidding systems since I first corresponded with him on the old rec.games.bridge newsgroup in 1995. He brings his skills to bear on a variety of age-old questions about which bidding treatments are better.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Book on Balancing in Contract Bridge
Mike Lawrence
IN some auctions it is safe to balance with a 4-card suit and a weak hand; in others you should have six or a fairly strong hand! This book helps you know how agressive to be in various balancing situations.
Separate chapters for reopening the bidding when an opening bid is passed around, when the opponents find a sit but stop low, when they bid notrump, and when they are in a misfit auction.
Newly reprinted edition of a classic book on competitive bidding.
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[Cover Photo] The Complete Guide to Passed Hand Bidding
Mike Lawrence
Ever wondered just how crazy of openings you can get away with in third seat? Or how your partner should respond after he sees how crazy yours are? This book contains Mike Lawrence's expert opinion on the subject.
The expanded 2nd edition adds more coverage of responses to 3rd seat openings -- fit-jumps and other alternatives, in addition to proposed Drury enhancements.
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[Cover Photo] Tips on Bidding
Mike Lawrence
A detailed and example-filled tour of some of the most common problems in the uncontested auction: when to raise on 3-card support, how reverses work, when to splinter, and more.
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[Cover Photo] Tips on Competitive Bidding
Mike Lawrence
In the same format as his previous Available now and ready to ship

Never a Dull Deal: Faith, Hope, and Probability at Bridge
Robert MacKinnon
The sequel to MacKinnon's previous book, Bridge, Probability, and Information. More readable and conversational than the first volume, the emphasis is on illustrating key probability concepts with humorous anecdotes at the bridge table, not on dry theory.
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The Language of Bidding: Two Over One Game Force
Paul Marston
Australian expert Paul Marston's textbook on the 2/1 system. Especially aimed at players coming from a standard or Acol background without prior 2/1 experience. Familiar material, but a new voice for most American readers.
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Martens Bridge University series
Krzysztof Martens
Any or all of the 15 volumes of the Martens Bridge University series are available by special order. Inquire by email if interested.
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[Cover Photo] Setting Trick: Practical Problems in Bridge Defense
Ian McCance
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[Cover Photo] Kickback
Robert Munger
A simple readable introduction to "Kickback," a replacement for Blackwood that uses 4S instead of 4NT to ace for key cards when hearts are trump.
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[Cover Photo] Standard Modern Precision
Daniel Neill
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Defending Together
Freddie North
A simple and readable guide to common defensive situations, illustrating standard carding agreements with examples.
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[Cover Photo] Multi-Landy: The Killer Defense vs. 1NT
David Oakley
Detailed coverage of the newest trend in overcalling your opponent's 1NT opening, taking over the ACBL by storm after it became a General Convention Chart method in 2015.

Particularly important is the discussion of why it's OK to use an artificial double against a weak notrump — waiting for a penalty double is just too rare! Show your shape any time you have sound overcall values, and let your partner pass for penalties with a misfitting decent hand.

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Demystifying Defense
Patrick O'Connor
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[Cover Photo] A First Book of Bridge Problems
Patrick O'Connor
A collection of relatively easy declarer play problems. An excellent stepping stone from the "textbook" world to the "quiz book" world for a newer player.
The sequel, A Second Book of Bridge Problems, ratches up the level of difficulty a bit.
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[Cover Photo] Adventures in Card Play
Geza Ottlik and Hugh Kelsey
The great classic book of exotic cardplay techniques. Recently reprinted. Well worth the $35 cover price, but $5 off if you order it from me!
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[Cover Photo] When to Draw Trumps
Adam Parrish
The author introduces his process for counting losers and choosing a line of play. That's what drives our decision whether or not to pull trumps immediately: do we need the trumps for something else (like ruffing a loser?) do we need to take a fast discard before driving out a high trump? How will our plan change if trumps break 4-1 instead of 3-2? Fred Karpin's classic book The Drawing of Trumps and Its Postponement (now out of print) was one of the most valuable books on declarer play I read when I first learned bridge. Now this book brings this material to a new generation of players.
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[Cover Photo] Transfer Responds to One Club with Relays
Lyle Poe
One of the hottest trends in US expert bidding is playing transfer responses to a semi-standard 1C opening, usually shifting most balanced hands into 1C so that a 1D opening promises an unbalanced hand. This treatment became legal in most sectional and regional tournaments in 2018 - read about and decide if you want to give it a try!
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Back Through the Pack
Julian Pottage
An homage to Robert Darvas's Right Through the Pack. Each of the 52 cards in the deck narrates two favorite deals in which the key play involves that card.

SHIPPING NOTE: Large format book, will not fit in a USPS flat-rate envelope.

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[Cover Photo] Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens
Samantha Punch
Samantha Punch is a sociologist studying bridge players. This book is a collection of her interviews with the world's top players, giving us a peek into how the experts cope with the challenges of life as a bridge pro.
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[Cover Photo] Modified Italian Canape System
Ken Rexford
The first new book written in many years about the mysterious "canape" system: with a 4- or 6-card major, open the major; but with a 5-card suit, open your side 4-card suit first and rebid your 5-card suit. Extensive discussion of the theory behind Rexford's preferred treatment. Guaranteed to introduce you to bidding ideas you've never considered before.
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[Cover Photo] Breaking the Bridge Rules: 1st Hand Play
Barry Rigal
By special order only

[Cover Photo] Deceptive Declarer Play
Barry Rigal
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[Cover Photo] Deceptive Defense
Barry Rigal
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Eric Rodwell's Bidding Topics
Eric Rodwell
Eric Rodwell writes about ten of his favorite bidding conventions, including two of his own inventions, Support Doubles and Serious 3NT (an essential supplement to italian style cuebidding.)
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[Cover Photo] Eric Rodwell's Bidding Topics, Book Two
Eric Rodwell
Eric Rodwell writes nine more chapters about common bidding situations in Volume 2 of this popular series on how the experts bid to win. Unlike Volume 1, these aren't all conventions, but get into issues like judging whether a hand is good enough for a reverse.
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Bidding on Target
George Rosenkranz and Alan Truscott
A collection of unusual bidding treatments, ranging from the mundane -- improvements to Stayman, continuations after Roman Keycard Blackwood -- to the exotic, such as a detailed set of relay sequences after a 1NT opening.
Many of the treatments are part of Rosenkranz's Romex bidding system.
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Don't Be Fooled! Countering Deception at Bridge
Danny Roth
A long overdue look at how to cope with your opponent's routine and not-so-routine attempts to throw sand in your eyes. An essential part of the expert's toolbox, but a topic rarely visited by the non-pros.
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[Cover Photo] Focus on Declarer Play
Danny Roth
Learn to avoid common errors in the planning the play of a bridge hand.
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25 Bridge Conventions: Practice Makes Perfect
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A quizbook to help students of the game solidify the material in 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know.
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[Cover Photo] Bidding at Bridge: a Quizbook
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A collection of bidding problems to reinforce the principles of standard bidding and help a new bridge player develop his judgment.
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Declarer Play at Bridge: a Quizbook
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A great set of practice hands for the novice to intermediate player. Not impossibly hard problems, bread and butter hands to make sure you are focusing on planning the way well.
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[Cover Photo] Defensive Play at Bridge: a Quizbook
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A great set of practice hands for the novice to intermediate player. Not impossibly hard problems, bread and butter hands to make sure you are focusing on planning the way well.
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[Cover Photo] Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand
Barbara Seagram
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Planning the Play: the Next Level
Barbara Seagram
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[Cover Photo] Play it Safe!
Barbara Seagram and David Bird
A new declarer play lesson from Barbara Seagram, covering not just "safety plays," but how to choose the best line for a given suit combination to produce a given number of tricks. She also covers MP vs. IMP considerations, and how the play of a suit fits into the whole hand.
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The Pocket Guide to Conventions You Should Know
Barbara Seagram and Marc Smith
Spiral-bound Reader's Digest summary of "25 Conventions You Should Know." For learnin the conventions I recommend the larger book. The pocket guide is a nice quick reference to take with you when you travel to a tournament to refresh your memory or make sure your partner plays it the same way you do.
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[Cover Photo] Enterprising Bridge Tales: the Original Stories
Marc Smith
A novel about "bridge in the 24th century" on the Starship Enterprice. Star Trek fan fiction mixed with challenging bridge deals.
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[Cover Photo] Enterprising Bridge Tales: the Next Generation
Marc Smith
A second novel about "bridge in the 24th century" in the Star Trek world. Federation crew members do battle at the bridge table with Ferengis, Romulans, and the Borg.
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Keys to Winning Bridge: The Advancing Player's Playbook
Frank Stewart
An interwoven series of hands to help the novice player learn where to focus his attention to solve each deal. If you enjoy Frank's newspaper column, you'll enjoy reading this book, which feels like 100 of his columns strung together.
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Who Has the Queen?: the Bridge Player's Handbook of Card Reading
Frank Stewart
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[Cover Photo] Bridge at the Breakfast Table
Paul Thurston
Selected articles from Paul Thurston's daily National Post column. A mixture of bidding and play advice, and simply presenting curious deals for your reading enjoyment.
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2 over 1: A First Course
Bill Treble
Hot off the press in summer 2017, a new book aimed at teaching new bridge players the 2/1 bidding system as soon as they learn to play.
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Defending at Bridge: A First Course
Bill Treble
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[Cover Photo] Winning at Matchpoints
Bill Treble
A guided tour of how to think about common matchpoint decisions, illustrated with an abundance of examples. For example, to help you decide whether to invite with 8HCP after partner opens a 15-17 1NT, he shows a dozen example hands and how many tricks each makes. (Spoiler: at MP it's usually better to pass than bid 2NT.)
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[Cover Photo] Strong Club, Unbalanced Diamond
Bruce Watson
A new system featuring transfer responses to a strong club and a weak notrump opening, legal for ACBL play under the new Open convention chart.
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[Cover Photo] Bridge's First Hippie
Peter Weichsel
Peter Weichsel's autobiography, from learning to play bridge in school (and the impact it had on his grades) to his world championship appearances. His partner, Alan Sontag, wrote a hilarious book 40 years ago, "The Bridge Bum", and here we have a companion volume!
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How Not to Play Bridge
Mike Dorn Wiss
Not quite the long-awaited sequel to "Shadow in the Bridge World," but a delightful tale nonetheless: the collected ravings of a stuffy old professor, teaching you all the wrong ways to play.
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[Cover Photo] The Language of Bridge
Kit Woolsey
Kit Woolsey explains the process of converting an English description of a bridge hand ("5 spades, 4 hearts, 3 diamonds, and a club") into a bidding sequence (opening 1, rebidding 2 over partner's 2, then raising his diamonds at our third turn.) In later chapter, he goes on to exploring the nuances of the auction: why did partner choose this sequence and not that one?
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Kit Woolsey
Kit Woolsey's classic collection of essays on how on how matchpoint bidding, play, and defense is different from rubber bridge and team games. Topics range from how to choose between 3NT and 4 of a major when you have an 8-card fit, to some controversial suggestions on how often to play Moysian fits.
Updated and revised for the 21st century.
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Inventory last updated: 09-18-2023 16:19:51